A Sweet Bundle of Joy | Durham Newborn Photographer
For my first photo shoot of the year, I had the honor of capturing newborn photos for Amanda and Jonathan in their beautiful home! It was such a wonderful way to kick off the new year documenting sweet photos of this growing family :)
Baby Mirabelle was such a delight! She was awake for the first part of the session, and it was adorable seeing how inquisitive and alert she was. It was also sweet seeing her peacefully sleeping in the second half of the shoot! One of my favorite moments was capturing their dog snuggling with all of them on the bed and trying to nuzzle baby M. He was so happy and enthusiastic, and I swear it looked like he was smiling during the shoot—just see below! Another memorable part of the photo shoot was capturing Amanda sitting in the rocking chair that her dad built for her! The craftsmanship was outstanding, and it was truly evident that it was built with love :)
My favorite part of the shoot was simply capturing the love and connection among this family. Whether it was mom kissing her baby or dad nuzzling nose-to-nose with his baby girl, I like to call these touches, “points of connection.” Whether it is head-to-head, nose-to-nose, or hand-to-hand, I wholeheartedly believe these gentle touches truly elevates the depth of love, intimacy, and relationship in a photo!
Enjoy the beautiful lifestyle newborn photos below, and getting to know this sweet family!