How many of y'all have witnessed a 50th wedding anniversary?! I had the honor to document this rare occasion for the amazing couple, Don and Polly. It was beautiful seeing all of their close family and friends attending to celebrate their love and commitment to one another! There were a number of things that stood out to me that evening...
1. The decorations. Since 50 years is known as the "golden anniversary," the theme was gold. All the details were so elegant and carefully designed. What blew me away was that their daughter was the one who did all the decorating and planning! I especially loved the wooden signs that said, "All my love, all my life" and "Home is wherever I'm with you." This was significant because Don and Polly moved a lot during their marriage--I believe it was about 14 times! Don was in the navy, so moving was something they were used to.
2. Polly still has her bouquet from her wedding. I mean seriously, WOW! After all the moving, it has been carefully preserved and looks outstanding. You can see in the photo below!
3) Celebrating 50 years of marriage runs in their family. Don's GREAT grandparents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in 1904, and Polly's grandparents celebrated their 50th in 1952! In addition, they had their 50th anniversary photos at the party! You can take a look in the gallery below!
4) Don and Polly know their grandkids well. They clearly knew their grandkids well because they got their two grandsons fidget spinners, which in case y'all didn't know is super popular now!
5) Most of all, what stood out for me was Don and Polly's love for each other!
The rest of the evening was full of stories, tons of laughter, and delicious food. Truly a night to remember! Hope y'all enjoy the photos!
Venue: Bloomsbury Bistro, Raleigh, NC