A Beautiful Holiday Family Session | Durham Family Photographer
If you’re looking to get some fun, festive holidays photos in the fall, I highly recommend capturing photos at the American Tobacco Campus! From December to January 1st, they decorate the campus with holiday lights, Christmas trees, wreaths, and more (and it looks super cool at night, too!).
I recently had the honor of capturing holiday photos for the Fletcher family, and it was wonderful getting to know them! I learned they had their baby boy AND moved to North Carolina all within the past 2 months, which is seriously amazing! During the session, I loved capturing how present they were and the way they laughed and interacted with one another. It was so genuine, and even their two-month old baby boy gave some adorable expressions :) I also LOVED his cute little beanie that said “SUPER STAR” on it—just see the photos near the end! :) Enjoy the wonderful highlights from this sweet family shoot!
A Special Note on Safety and COVID-19:
To help ensure a safe shoot for clients, I wear a mask during the session and do my best to maintain proper social distance. If you are considering a family photography shoot, I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to contact me and I can provide you with more details about how I’m handling safety during COVID-19.